Because We Care!

Store Policies

Here at we are committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of your personal data. When you use our Services and place orders through our website, you agree to provide us with your email address, postal address and/or other contact details truthfully and correctly. You also agree that we may use this information to contact you in the context of your order if necessary.
All prices are exclusive of Sales & Use Tax and other taxes (where applicable) which will be charged to you separately at the applicable rate.
All prices are correct at the time of entering the information onto the system. If for some reason we are unable to ship your goods, the value of the items that are not shipped will be refunded to your wallet in your ML Account or to the original method of payment.
We aim to deliver orders as quickly as possible. We welcome your questions and comments about our privacy practices or these terms. You may also contact us anytime.

Return & Exchange Policy

Return and exchange of products are not supported. All Sales are final at the time of Purchase.



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